How do I find a good veterinarian?

26 08 2008

Oh this is a tough one for me. WHY? because I have had the same fantastic  vet for over 14 years (Dr. Sandy Sanford at Sweetwater Veterinary Clinic in Agua Dulce, CA). Needless to say, there ARE times when I’m not close enough to be able to get my dog in to him, or there are times when I can’t get in for whatever reason and I have used other area vets as well.  Read the rest of this entry »

“How do I crate train my puppy?”

26 08 2008


Maestro enjoys his crate

Maestro enjoys his crate

Crate training is a simple way to keep a pup out of trouble, or to give an older dog their own “bedroom”. Dogs, as den animals, are generally more comfortable in small confined spaces. It can help them feel more secure, and provide a safe haven from a variety of problems.  Read the rest of this entry »